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We charge a nominal fee for proprietors to be included in our directory. This ensures that people who promote their accommodation with us actively welcome and specifically cater for the needs of walkers. The accommodation details contained within the guide are constantly updated.
Last Updated:
20th January 2025
Here's what our existing customers have to say:
"It was only when we got on the walk that we realised we had booked with the best company! Proprietors had some real horror stories to tell from people that had used other companies. Your service was exceptional from start to finish. Thank you." William Howe, Lija, Malta | "My thanks for the prompt and efficient service. My books in 7 days!" Tony Foy, Singapore | "We are home, the photos are being shared round. We had a wonderful time. Your arrangements were superb in all respects. Thank you VERY much." Jeri Bidinger, Anchorage, USA | "Just a quick note to thank you for your help in making the walk a complete success. The accommodation and baggage service you provided was excellent and everything when without a hitch." Peter Harris, Ontario, Canada | "Just wanted to thank you for the accommodation bookings and to let you know that all went off without a hitch. For your interest I met other people on the walk who used your services and all were very happy with the way things had gone. I heard only positive things about your company, which is not true for other companies - I heard several bad stories about them. All the best." Michael Brumby, South Australia | "Thanks for organising our Coast-to-Coast walk. Everything went as planned. Many of the B&Bs were first class. The luggage service worked perfectly. Thanks again." Bob Lewis, Worthing, UK | "The book came in good time, just as promised. Thank you for your kind and prompt attention." Evan Jones, California, USA | "Thanks very much. It has been great working with you!" Matthias Stokar, Zurich, Switzerland | "Can I thank you very much for your prompt and efficient service which has saved me much time and phone calls. I will certainly recommend your service to my fell-walking friends." Steve and Helen Bell, Dover, UK | "I wanted to thank you for the terrific service you have provided for those wishing to undertake the Coast to Coast walk. Your site has been invaluable." A McHugh, Texas, USA | "Thanks again for arranging everything at such short notice. I'll definitely be using your company again next year." Tony Seymour, Isle of Man |